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BC February 2023 Newsletter

Writer: Peter C. CiravoloPeter C. Ciravolo

Hey there! We trust this email finds you well! 2023 is off to a great start. Here are a few of our latest updates:

How do you plan for college?

How do you create a network of referral partners?

How can you grow your business at a much faster pace? We got to talk about with Ann Garcia, CFP® on the most recent Only Fee-Only Podcast. She was full of words of wisdom and had some amazing points. Make sure you check this episode out!


PSA for the TikTokers:

Updates in the Disability Space Ameritas

  • New DI product, very solid and competitive definitions

  • Much better at Guaranteed Renewable rates


  • Short term DI is here. It is a good product for the short term DI market

Illinois Mutual

  • new SIWL Simplified Issue DI.


  • Update on occupation classes Ohio National Financial Services (ONFS)

  • Essentially pulled out of the DI market except for some IDI policy types.


  • Update on residual/partial disability. Now competitive with the 15% industry standard.

We've been receiving great feedback on our portal. This month we had 125+ individual advisors log into their portal in February.

Want to create accounts for your firm? We have the ability to create a hierarchy if/when needed so certain team members only see their clients. -

MONTHLY INSURANCE TIP: BC Brokerage, how do we monitor or attach our client's insurance policies to our planning portals? If the client hasn't previously created an account, go to the insurance carrier's main website with the policy number and the client's SSN to create an online account. Once you create an online account directly with the carrier, you will be able to monitor and service the policy there as well. Depending on the carrier, you can update addresses, bank info, and much more! -

How else can we help you with your client's insurance in 2023? We are a no-cost service to our advisors. We are paid a commission when a policy is placed directly from the insurance carrier. What does this mean? Ask all the questions that you have. Knowledge is power, and we want you all to be as equipped as possible to help educate and implement your clients' insurance needs.

Our mailing address is: PO BOX 441032 Indianapolis, IN, 46244

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