Hello there!
We trust your summer is off to a great start!
Tax season is well over and Summer break is well underway.
We hope that you are able spend as much time as your are able to with your family and friends.
Here is what we've been up to at BC Brokerage over the last month:
Check out Broc's appearance on the Elementality Podcast!
How do we find partners who share our fiduciary mindset & prioritize clients' best interests? Abby Morton chatted with Broc Buckles about how to approach this.
We have been having more conversations around Long Term Care and LTCi
Do you understand the current insurance products available on the market?
Traditional LTC insurance
Hybrid/Asset Based LTC insurance
Life Insurance w/ Qualified LTC rider
LTC Annuities
Other LTC funding options:
Reverse Mortgage
Life Insurance w/ Chronic Illness Rider
Medicaid / Spend Down / Transfer planning
LTC insurance isn't about insuring the full amount anymore. It is about finding what risk the client wants to transfer, and what they are willing to budget for.
Insurance is a tool, and LTCi has leverage toward LTC costs. Plain and simple.
LTCi isn't completely about the insured, it is also a peace of mind for the family.
Check out our latest podcasts with:
Leland Gross from Peacelink Financial
New Only Fee-Only podcasts!
We are at 52 episodes strong and have new episodes releasing weekly. Learn from other planners on how they are building their RIA.
Yes, we offer Ladder Life!
Pros: No medical exam under $3m guaranteed! Very quick if healthy. Cons: No living benefits, no convertibility, pricing 15-20% higher due to less underwriting requirementsLadder Life Link
Improvements are being made to the forms
on the BC website and advisor portal!
These forms are quick and more intuitive.
The UI and UX we are very excited with as well!
And that's a wrap! Thank you for being a part of the monthly BC Brokerage newsletter!
Our mailing address is:
PO BOX 441032
Indianapolis, IN, 46244
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