Not all term insurance policies are the same - this is why we provide our clients with the top 3 results for your potential term life insurance policy!
Once a client or Fee-Only financial planners completes a term life insurance quote, they will receive quotes for all A-Rated insurance carriers.
We focus on:
Carrier Financial Strength (A rated or better)
Insurable Age
Health Rating (Preferred Plus, Preferred, Standard Plus, Standard, Table Ratings)
Benefit Period (10,15,20,25,30 year terms)
Living Benefits (Chronic, Critical, Terminal), if available
Total policy cost
Once the client is able to review the comparison and the quotes, we will adjust as needed and answer any calls via call, email, text, or Zoom.
If the client is ready to move forward, the next step in the process is our client fast fact.
A few of the insurance carriers we offer: